Monday 5 May 2014

Watercolours and vegetation

As part of SketchbookSkool's class I struggled with Jane LaFazio's klass (sic). The assignment involved making a grid in pencil, and making a composition of fruit or vegetables (for example) - we could use watercolours. We were to add some text, and a border.

Can you spot the various errors in my watercolour painting? It made my classmates laugh and me giggle.

A useful exercise in observation - I discovered that pine cones (NOT acorns) have more interesting 'leaves' then I knew. And that shades of brown watercolour on non-watercolour paper doesn't dry well.

Jane's style was time-consuming with various media introduced into it (e.g. collages, stictching etc.) - it became obvious that I needed to spend a bit more time on my second attempt. Her site has several tutorials for your perusal.

Using watercolour soft pencils worked better and I mixed her and Koosje's tips to do it again.

If you are interested , check out the list of teachers for semester one (a new session of this runs from July)
Semester two starts soon as well (July).