Saturday, 11 April 2020

Covid19 urbansketching at home

Here are some of my urban sketches at home (#uskathome) during the time spent at home. We started working from home a week or so before the lockdown and decided to stick with our two week pre-planned staycation after a bit of consideration. Am glad we took some time off and after doing lots of art, finally found the energy to set up a very lo-fi effort Urban sketching at home session with @Rdgsketchers next Tues

 These sketches follow the urban sketching manifesto so I haven't included ones I have drawn live but don't give a sense of time and coffee pots and vases etc with no context of the setting

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Doing stuff


Purpose: to collate links that focus on the doing aspect first (so you can do an activity as you watch) as doing passive things (also some in this list) for a long time can also cause stress. Do add yours.

Though the following links can be overwhelming, try and browse. Pick something. Try it for 20 mins (pomodoro method) - if you enjoy it, stay. If not, walk away (no effort needed to go there, no need to have screen on/dress up, no effort needed to walk away). Most things are free or pay-what-you-want to support them. It’s right to support. 

CRAFTS and Mainly drawing links to DO

Indoor sketching challenge - tips and a hashtag/join  to follow for urbansketching at home -

Urban sketchers Reading (@Rdgsketchers on Twitter and Instagram) are also doing some urban sketching in their FB group. 

Draw-alongs (free on youtube)
1pm BST on Instagram with Koosje and 12pm ET (5pm BST) on Facebook with Danny weekday draw-alongs called live drawing parties on this youtube channel playlist SketchbookSkool (also FB live but actually youtube) - you can catch up whenever and note that the actual drawing session itself is about 20-30 mins I think. You can skip if not in the live feed. Covers some fun daily drawing exercise.

Rebecca Vincent Art Club - Sunday 5pm, about 30 minutes, on instagram TV ( Each week she shows you how to draw a different thing in her style - a friend sent me this and I tried the one on drawing mushrooms.

Carla Sonheim 5 short,FUN exercises (max 5 mins) available for free here

Creative sessions ( (currently Mindful Still Life:, Keep Creating- Creative sessions in drawing and simple making with themes and artist hosts) - I think this is zoom based on various days and times (see link) - All sessions are pay as you feel- please make any contributions to the London Drawing Crowd Fund

Costumed LIVE drawing daily - zoom based $10

Life-drawing class (on crowdcast) ( it is nude life drawing) - this was really good -Monday eve 7-9pm - 4 quid - may go to 5 quid to cover their production costs.

"Projects, lessons and tips by artists to help people get creative while housebound during Covid19 crisis" Isolation art school (Instagram)  - a link sent to me via a friend.

Link to links from Craft council on all sorts of crafts (not just drawing)

There are also courses on SkillsMatter etc.

Kids (and young-at-heart folks)

Daily doodling workshop by a kid's writer called Mo Willems which are fun w kids apparently 

The kid should see this videos - may have some experiments to try at home as well

Audible stories - free audio books  for kids of all ages (no account necessary just click and play) -

More ideas in this

Arty series to watch and play along with maybe

Grayson’s Art Club will air weekly on Channel 4 at 8pm from Thursday 16th April.
Grayson Perry will be doing an Arts club show for Channel 4 for lockin. You can sign up for an art at home activity pack 

A fab series on outsider artists that I watched when it came out - wonder how it aged.

Waldy has links to arts documentaries that he gives free access to for a week (note: some of them are two hour long!) e.g. but that’s a watch only

LOCAL THINGS TO take part in online

Check your local groups ,services, meetup groups etc.
Bear in mind, local libraries are often signed up to magazine and book apps (and language learning apps , driving test apps ) as well so you can check what facilities there are. (See below for link to Reading Berks libraries)

Eventbrite, meetup etc. will link you to local groups - what is local anyway when it’s online - but it may be a chance for you to find others outside your usual group

Reading, Berks

Reading Library online Ours has magazines (free through RBDigital) and cloudLibrary app to offer free books and audio books and have just added BorrowBox (for more audio books. Login with your library card and enjoy. Driving theory tests, language learning etc are also options. You can register with the library online if you don'thave a card as yet). You can also donate money to help the library buy more books. for all the links.

What's on Reading also has some links for cultural options

Reading rep have created lockdown education packs -
"We have created fun educational packs that allow children and young people to be creative at home. They have been written by the tutors that run our Monday and Saturday Youth theatres and are full of games, exercises and fun videos."

Jelly arts group are running knit/craft and natter nights (zoom) and some events including an instagram story on Jelly Tots (takes inspiration from a known artist and has a small activity for little ones)

LISTS of all the things

Theatre front seats links from Guardian Culture

Time out/Timein guide 
This is an exhausting link of things -good links to online streaming of Northern lights (our day time), aquariums, and botanical gardens green houses included in this long list of ideas (including theatre, ballet, opera and other etc. links)
Their main guide:

COSMIC SHAMBLES - Stay at Home festival (various times and themes) - supporting the loss of revenue to performers as a result of COVID (saw a really good one on marine biology)

HistFest Lockdown - a mini free history festival 1pm 3 April onwards (Youtube)


Pick something. Try it for 20 mins (pomodoro method) - if you enjoy it, stay.
If not, walk away