Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Attended baggage

It is tricky to draw on a moving train. Your hand moves, plus your eyes shift perspective. But fun, even with all the mistakes.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Submitting for Reading Arts and Music Week 2014

This year, inspired by all the various things that have happened including joining Sketchbookskool,computational arts homework as well as these:
we came up with a submission idea for Reading Arts and Music Week 2014 (in June)

Title: A sketchbook collaboration for the people by the people – warning: your work may be amended
"Visitors are invited to collaborate by drawing on paper provided and put these up on the walls/noticeboards. They can choose to amend drawings already on the wall/noticeboards "

Here's the submission image:

Night of 1,000 Ukes

Part of Readipop festival - one evening, lots of uke bands playing lots of ukes.
We're talking around fifty in total but one thousand sounds a lot better (if you see what I mean)

My approach when faced with so many (and the desire to enjoy the event) was to draw silhouettes and hint at something for each person I had managed to cover.

The daily commute

Back to work and so tried sketching on train without all the right colours to hand.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

sketching at a live music event

@altreading suggested we head down to see Sir Richard Bishop at South Street last night so I did not really knowing what to expect.

I did a rough sketch and put the book away...

...until the sun skeleton solo said he was terrified as it was his first time singing solo so I thought it's my first time at a gig.

Have to admit my fave act was Stoddler and my favourite sketch was of Sir Richard Bishop.  Sam was charming but stayed perfectly still till I finally got the sketchbook out.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Keeping a sketchbook journal

I wanted to start drawing again and love sketch books - here's what happened when I had a go by joining another online course - this time, Sketchbookskool

Learning about Computational arts and crowdsourcing my homework

Introduction to Computational Arts is a course provided by State University of New York on Coursera.

I decided to do it as my Photoshop and Gimp skills were not too great and I was intrigued about the arts aspect of it.

Read more about the what I learnt and how I crowdsourced my homework here...